Memorial Garden
Come unto me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest
Mathew 11:28-30.
Our stunning and peaceful memorial garden was created in 1992 in memory of Dr. John Quay, a long time member of our community, by his wife Mrs. Jean Quay as a place of perpetual rest for Nativity parishioners. The garden draws one into the peace of God's creation. Come and rest, renew your spirit, and lay the burdens of your life down.

Our Outdoor Labyrinth designed by parishioner John Ridder, was completed in May 2014. by parishioner and Eagle Scout, Leo Miller, who oversaw the project with many volunteers.
The Labyrinth is a scale replica of an ancient walkable design constructed around 1200 AD in the stone floor of Chartres Cathedral, France. Unlike a maze, the labyrinth is unicursal, having a single path leading to the center with no loops, cul-de-sacs or forks.
Medieval Christian pilgrims visited Chartres (and other cathedrals) to walk the labyrinth as an alternative to taking a hazardous pilgrimage to Jerusalem to walk in the “foot steps of Christ.” Modern “pilgrims” walk the labyrinth path as one of many tools offered to enhance prayer and spiritual growth.
Sacred Spaces
The Church of the Nativity fosters connection with God with the most unique spaces in Indianapolis. Nestled in 3+ acres of wooded land in a serene residential area, we offer a memorial garden (means hyperlink) , a labyrinth, a meditation trail, a playground and firepit, a 24 hour chapel, and an art gallery. All are welcome to rest, restore, reflect, and connect with God.

Meditation Path
Our meditation path, meanders through our woods, offering a perfect space for a meditative walk. Sheltered from the street, you are invited to sit a while on benches that dot the path and breathe.

Playground, Fire pit, and Deck
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Mathew 19:14
Our long standing relationship with the Boy Scouts has blessed us with a firepit, a playground, and a beautiful deck, where parents can sit and hear their children's laughter. Many s'mores have been warmed by the fires of our pit.

24 Hour Chapel
Another unique offering is our 24 hour chapel, which is open to all! Take time for prayer, solitude, quiet, and peace whenever you feel overwhelmed or harried, or just needing to refuel.

Art Gallery
“Art has the capacity to touch the human spirit, awaken conditions for genuine healing, and enrich people’s lives with tremendous joy.” Our Lantern Road Art Gallery offers such healing. We are always seeking artists to show their works (oil, watercolor, acrylic, mixed media, photography). Contact our church office.